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The Ascension of Iweko



"There are always those whom the Heaven have found worthy creating new dynasties." - The Tale of Rokugan VII

Iweko is granted the mandate of heaven by Omen (Voice of the Jade Sun) wreathed in jade fire, and Shosuro Maru (Voice of the Obsidan Moon) wreathed in swirling shadow.
The oracles of Jade and Obsidian respectively offer a hand to Iweko, she has taken them both as they kneel before her.
Wrappend in a brilliant light she is divine beauty utterly perfect and noble. The heavens above her open up as she is bathed in light.
Kitsuki Iweko has now taken the mantle of the Child of Heaven, Empress.

For Legend of the Five Rings.
Image size
3000x1993px 1.68 MB
© 2012 - 2024 MarioWibisono
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Verotrekkie's avatar

I am obsessed with this image it was in many epic soundtracks on youtube. I had it on screen when writing my own east asian story. It is so epic! 🩵